Every three years the ISA works with member associations to hold a world congress to bring people together to meet and share information about stuttering.

Below is a list of the world congresses held since the ISA was formed.

6th World Congress – Belgium 2001

6th World Congress (3rd ISA Conference), Ghent, Belgium, July 23, 2001

5th World Congress – South Africa 1998

5th World Congress (2nd ISA Conference), South Africa, July 1998

4th World Congress – Sweden 1995

4th World Congress (1st ISA Conference), Link Ping, Sweden, July 1995

3rd World Congress – USA 1992

3rd World Congress, San Francisco, 1992

2nd World Congress – Germany 1989

2nd World Congress, Cologne, Germany, 1989

1st World Congress – Japan 1986

1st World Congress, Kyoto, Japan, 1986 The beginning of global cooperation. Shinji Ito, chair of the Japanese organization suggested founding an international organization.