Having Our Voices Heard is a Conference For African-Americans Who Stutter and will be a ground breaking nationally focused event. The African-American Women Who Stutter Project was birthed in 2008 out of the Women’s Empowerment Support Group. Its focus is centered on actions which will provide African-American women who stutter …
2012 Having Our Voices Heard, African American Women Who Stutter Project Read More »
Once every three years, the International Fluency Association (IFA) hosts a conference for clinicians and researchers which provides a forum for discussing the many issues concerning stuttering. The 2012 IFA World Congress will take place on 2-5 July in Tours, France and will provide an opportunity to find out the …
By Mike Mabika (Nigerian Times) Ever had an encounter with people who stutter? Well, I stutter or stammer a lot and I would like to share with you some of my thoughts after I attended the ninth Congress of people who stutter or stammer last month in Buenos Aires, Argentina. …
Ninth World Congress for people who stutter or stammer Read More »
Benny Ravid resigned his position on the ISA Board of Directors. He resigned from all ISA activities.
The following paper is taken from NEJM (India) journal Findings suggest common speech problem, in some cases, may actually be an inherited metabolic disorder Stuttering may be the result of a glitch in the day-to-day process by which cellular components in key regions of the brain are broken down and …
Benny Ravid resigned his position as Chair of the ISA Board of Directors. He is now a valued member of the ISA Board of Directors. During this transition period, please be aware that the ISA Board of Directors is a working board on the behalf of people who stutter worldwide. …
British Stammering Association have announced a new Early Intervention campaign for pre-school age children. “Save 9 out of 10 children who stutter.” See more here.
The Croatian Public Relations Association pronounced dr. Zeljko Rohatinski, a governor of the Croatian National Bank, the best communicator amongst people in Croatian public life. By the way he communicates, Rohatinski has raised the level of public communication in Croatia. His clear, precise and uncompromising way of communicating proves that …
MedSy Launches Device In The UK To Help Stammerers Speak More Fluently
Bird Song Study Gives Clues To Human Stuttering