A new working committee was set up to review draft 5 and prepare a draft 6 for circulation.

At the 2007 World Congress, the former ISA Chair Benny Ravid proposed that recommendations could be written and distributed to Member Associations. He appointed Thomas Krall as Chair to this committee and the members included Dr. Moussa Dao, Shinji Ito, Masuhiko Kawasaki, Benny Ravid and Michael Sugarman. Benny resigned from ISA in April, 2010. When Michael became Chair of the ISA in September 2009 he resigned from the Committee.

In February 2010 the 5th Draft of the 10 Recommendations was presented to the ISA Boards. After discussion and some work, the Board of Directors agreed by a majority vote to circulate Draft 6.

The ISA thinks the Executive Summary contains a useful list of action plans for people who stutter and for all member associations.

Draft 6 contains:

– Executive Summary(Draft 6) Read here: Executive_Summary(Draft 6)

– 10 Recommendations(Draft 6), are the same as Thomas’ version minus the first three pages and minus the references on the last page. No changes were made in the wording or content of the original. Read here: 10_Recommendations(Draft 6)

– Further Information Package(Draft 6) is the same as Thomas’ version except for page number changes on the last page. No changes were made in the wording or content of the original draft from the recommendations committee. Read here: Further Information Package(Draft 6)

Please review the Executive Summary, 10 Recommendations, and Further Information Package.

Also, enclosed is a questionnaire. Read here: Questionnaire(Draft 6)